1010 Vienna, Opernring 1, Staircase E, Door 423
+43-1-5864275 (Mon-Fri 10:30 - 19:30) | E-Mail: info@interhaar.at

What is XTS?

The result simply delights everyone, because you can see that you can’t see anything – and everyone has to be judged by your haircut, which always looks freshly styled.

Model XTS

XTS is a wafer-thin, skin-like and breathable synthetic membrane that is tipped with human human hair or synthetic hair. This skin-like hair-tipped membrane is invisible on your head and is securely fixed to your scalp with a special skin-friendly liquid. Only then is a haircut carried out that suits your style.

How do you care for your new XTS hair?

Similar to our entire body skin, which renews itself after a certain period of time, we also renew your XTS hair every 4 – 5 weeks with a new hair-covered membrane.

One major advantage is that you can keep your “second scalp” on at all times, whether you’re showering every day, out in the wind and weather or even doing recreational sports in the swimming pool.

It is our supreme discipline, with which we can simply offer you beautiful and natural hair in the long term.